Wednesday 29 July 2015

Day 28. Gratitude July

Coffee. There aren't many days that I remember what a privilege it is to be able to make and drink my own coffee - I often take it for granted; the beans and those who produce them; the clean drinking water in the machine; fine engineering; and an exquisite crema to close off a great brew. Today I'm grateful for a mere cup of coffee!

Day 27. Gratitude July

Today I'm grateful for the hills to the east of us - the Dandenong Mountain range and trails. I'm privileged to run in these hills with its trees, animals, birds and ... other runners.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Day 26. Gratitude July

For an hour of magic in the kitchen for this week - Chia puddings, banana bread, breakfast granola. 

Friday 24 July 2015

Day 24. Gratitude July

Today I'm grateful for poetry and poets, because of this line from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day" 

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?"

Monday 13 July 2015

Day 11. Gratitude July

Over the last week we have drifted through several shops, theme-parks and markets. Almost everywhere we went there were creative, delightful and thought-provoking creations. Today I'm grateful for creative people who make me laugh and think ... an Ent for your garden, a ride-on esky (chilli-bin), a table "number" made out of toy whole-foods,  ... and signs (the last one from HogsBreath cafe)!

Friday 10 July 2015

Day 10. Gratitude July

Today Rebecca and I went back to Mt Tamborine, Qld. 19 years ago this week we enjoyed a few days here after our wedding. I'm constantly grateful for this generous, loving and adventurous woman, and these 19 years. But today, in this 'favourite' place, I am especially grateful.

Day 9. Gratitude July

I'm grateful for long friendships. Last night we had dinner with friends from NZ. Two families who had not seen each other for over two years, adults and kids just slotted back together like it was yesterday. Laughter, catch up stories - and a reminder that 19 years ago we were two couples (and one baby) together to celebrate our wedding. I'm deeply grateful for long lasting deep friendships. 

Thursday 9 July 2015

Day 8. Gratitude July

Grateful for Role Models. Rob de Castella (Deeks) is an Australian marathon champion with two Commonwealth games gold medals, as well as significant achievements in other international races. A modest bloke with a passion for helping young indigenous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to improve their health, and to change lives through running and the opportunities that can bring using the Indigenous Marathon Project.

I met him at the Legends Lunch at the Gold Coast Airport Marathon.  I also shook his hand at the finish line, as he stood there waiting to welcome each of the IMP runners at the finish line.

Day 7. Gratitude July

If creation includes odd creatures like these - then I must have a place too! Grateful for the cute and odd creatures in our world. (SeaWorld)

Day 6. Gratitude July

Grateful for generous, happy, healthy daughters - who remind me (often) not to take life too seriously.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Friday 3 July 2015

Thursday 2 July 2015

Gratitude July - Intro!

Connecting Gratitude, Pausing & Winter.
(And an invitation)

grateful words on lips
gentle susurration
smile turns slowly up*

It started as a bit of a game on Facebook: a daily poetry challenge.  You give Peter a word, and he writes it into poetry.  [words used: grateful, susurration] *(Poetry by Peter White)
Peter’s challenge was running in parallel with a couple of other friends who used photographs or words to express gratitude every day for a month.  All of them said the same thing: It’s easy at first – food, water, sunshine, etc. But as time went on, the challenge took more time and more focus – it took them into some things they had never seen before, and many that they had taken for granted.  What were the actual qualities of their spouse or best friend for which they were thankful?  Some even named the rhythm of ironing and the hum of the vacuum cleaner as representing gratitude for having clothes and a home.
Recently, we paused and expressed thanks to God for the gift of a new home - blessing places of rest, cleansing, hospitality, meal-preparation, story-telling, creativity; windows that welcome light, and doors that welcome old and new friends. This moment and these people paused to express gratitude for bringing the Tonga family to this new point in their lives.

As I ran past bare trees and soaked fields yesterday, I wondered if there might be a connection between winter, pausing … and finding that gratitude.  In winter, creation takes a pause from growing and fruiting. It needs the rest, the pause, the patient-waiting in order to grow well in spring.
I wondered if this might be a useful winter / July discipline – to write or draw or photograph (phone or camera), something for which I’m grateful every day. 
So I’m going to dive in on July 1: a month of recording things for which I’m grateful.  I’m going to do mine through my blog. You would be welcome to join me – journal, blog, facebook, instagram or on your fridge door. One thing every day for which we are grateful. (I’d love to hear from you if you are joining me!)