Friday 24 February 2012

2 days into Lent

Its now Friday after Ash Wednesday.  Little bits of grey/black ash still linger in the pores on my forehead, and I can still faintly feel the movement of the finger that marked me with the cross.
(image from
It is probably not coincidence that the Mission Resourcing focus on Congregational Development begins in earnest in time for Lent. Lent drags me wriggling and nervous towards that word "Discipleship" - following Jesus.  Lent jolts me into realising that my faith is not just about turning up to church on a Sunday - but is about the way I live my life, treat others and live / hide from God.

The notes from Mark Pierson / World Vision (NZ) lenten reflections (day 1) quote Maggi Dawn, Giving it up. Lent is "a call to turn away decisively from what keeps us from God, alienates us from other people and stops us living well".  Lent reminds me of this way of living that I am called and drawn to.  It is no wonder then that sensitivity to these things is heightened in this season - that we become more aware of the world around us AND more sensitive to its hurt and cries.

In particular for me in the last few days are the images, footage and sounds of the Christchurch earthquake - on Ash Wednesday this year it was one year ago.  We paused in our Board meeting for two minutes of silent reflection and silent prayer in the morning. That evening I sat stunned again as I watched the news replaying the sounds and images of last year. I confess that I was drawn to it and sat with tears, while at the same time wanting to leave the room and not have to watch and listen. That night was our Ash Wednesday service at church - with the AA group meeting upstairs in the hall.

ash wednesday 
- broken buildings ash dust tears
 - ashes service downstairs, AA upstairs 
- contrite hearts seeking healing 
ash wednesday

Ash and dust and tears mixed. 

No one ever said that Discipleship would be easy. In Maggi's quote above, I'm drawn to the word 'decisively'.  Its not drifting or intending, but deciding.  Stepping into that 'deciding' has had these consequences of more sensitivity to the world around me - and I'm curious (and a bit nervous) about what else might happen.

Question: What things has Lent begun to highlight for you this year? You can leave a comment below.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Its new

The day after Ash Wednesday and I'm starting a new blog.  I'm writing because otherwise I get stale - and I enjoy the challenge of getting my thoughts 'out there'.
(image from