Monday 30 March 2015

Just (DON'T) add sugar

Label Reading is the new Where's Wally game in our Supermarket shopping!!  But what about our own Pantry?  

The decision to go Sugar Free was confirmed this evening when Letitia​ dug out all the (unopened) items in our pantry that contained added sugar and stacked them on the bench. The clear winner was the box of Caramel Mud Cake mix, which contains 43g of sugar per 100g; the box is 600g, so that makes 60tsp of sugar in the box - or approximately half the box!! Kantong Honey Soy Chicken sauce came in a close second with 37g per 100g (ingredients:: Water, sugar, honey, glucose ...). Even Golden Circle Beetroot contains added sugar (10g/100g). In a 450g tin, that is about 8tsp of sugar - added to beetroot!

So tonight we gave away 2 large shopping bags of products that we no longer want on our plates. It wasn't easy - we have grown attached to eating that way, and to those products and tastes, where we allow others to add sugar to our food. But it is an eye-opening journey. I've lost 3kg (so far), and am feeling great.

Yep - some people will say we are crazy.  I know that Low Carb/High Fat isn't for everyone (I'm not yet sure it is long term for me), but avoiding products with added sugar - foods that really don't need them - is not just a game; it's about our health.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Just Eat Real Foods (Jerf)

(note: This post contains an unashamed plug for health)
I've now been sugar free for 10 days, eating whole foods, low carbs, healthy fats, good protein; no bread, weetbix or cereal, muesli bars or biscuits. I'm intentionally sugar free and intentionally whole food-ing - and I'd say I'm unintentionally / consequentially gluten free.  

It was difficult to start with - what do I eat if I don't eat bread!!!, but my body is adapting well. I've learned that I can go for hours without needing to eat; I'm learning to cook well and eat well; I'm amazed, scared, and fascinated about how much processed food there was in my 'normal' diet, and how much sugar there is in our processed foods.  I've lost several kgs, but weight has stablised. I may even have abs under that squishy exterior (no photos, sorry).

This film has confirmed what I have learned in the past 2 months: . I have to say this was the most entertaining documentary I have seen for a long time (maybe ever). Informative. Funny. Scary. And really inspiring. It is amazing how much sugar there is in our foods and the impact of sugar in our diets.  If you get a chance to see in the movies, just do it. Even if no one comes with you, just go.

I'll keep you informed of progress - and if you are interested in details, please get in touch with me.